2023 Eastern District of Washington Federal Bar Association Conference - POWER Act Presentation (Virtual Public Event)

Tuesday, August 29, 2023


The United States District Court for the Eastern District of is partnering with the District’s Federal Bar Association to provide a POWER Act presentation on September 15, 2023.

Our guest speaker, Judge Theresa Thin Elk, will be speaking about the physiological effects of long-term abuse on victims of domestic violence and how these effects highlight the importance of representation in divorce, child custody and civil protection order proceedings for survivors of domestic violence.   Theresa Thin Elk is a member of the Colville Confederated Tribes from Eastern Washington. She has been an Indian Law practitioner for the last 23 years working as an attorney general, prosecutor, public defender, judge and appellate judge. Judge Thin Elk is currently working as the Operations Attorney for the Quinault Indian Nation and as a Pro Tem Appellate Justice for the Northwest Intertribal Court System and the Coeur d’ Alene Tribe.  

Livestream will be made available at our Spokane, Richland and Yakima courthouse locations. Upon arrival, please check in at the Clerk’s Office.