Filing Non-Scannable Exhibits

Filing and Providing Non-Scannable Exhibit(s) to the Court Clerk & Chambers

In the event of an attorney or party filing non-scannable exhibit(s) with the Court, i.e. a document/exhibit to be filed that cannot be scanned due to size or format of the document/exhibit, please follow these instructions: (1) file the main document and scannable exhibits electronically using the appropriate docketing event; (2) prepare and docket a Notice of Filing of Non-Scannable Exhibit(s) with the Clerk; and (3) submit two (2) copies of the non-scannable document(s)/exhibit(s) on digital media to the Clerk’s Office in person or via courier, i.e. FedEx, UPS or USPS.  One copy will be provided to Chambers and the other will be retained by the Clerk’s Office.

Examples of digital media/non-scannable exhibits include: USB drive, DVDs, audio cassette tapes, VHS tapes, large maps/plots.

Exhibits shall be clearly marked with case name and number and attached to the Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) generated by CM/ECF for the Notice of Filing of Non-Scannable Exhibit(s) with the Clerk. 

In CM/ECF the filer will choose the applicable event:
Civil Events → Other Filings → Notices; Notice of Filing Non-Scannable Exhibits with the Clerk; or

Criminal Events → Other Filings → Notices → Notice of Filing of Non-Scannable Exhibits with the Clerk